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For 30 consecutive years the book often called “the bible” on Florida & Federal firearm, weapon, and self defense laws continues to be the leading guide in the nation explaining the law and legal issues that can arise from ownership or carry of all firearms, weapons, and self defense situations.  It covers almost all such situations other than hunting.  The new “GOLD” revised edition was released May 2023, and is current thru May 2023 including the new Florida “Constitutional Carry” concealed carry law,  new 2022-2023 federal regulations, and an entire go over on the book and index, as well as some very important case law. The book is ranked as not only the best book on Florida gun laws,  but by far, the most extensive!   It is the only one written by an attorney who for over 40 years actually specialized in firearm, weapon, and self defense cases, who also had  prosecution, law enforcement, criminal defense, civil police liability, and extensive courtroom experience (over 200 jury trials), as well as being a former FFL, and also holding several NRA certifications as a firearms instructor.  This revised 2023-2024 GOLD edition   continues to explain the latest Florida gun laws, Florida self defense laws,  Florida weapon laws, and related federal firearm laws, as well as including a number of important common scenarios, and how to react to them legally.  It has sold well over a quarter of a million copies,  and publishes yearly free updates on the web that can be downloaded, to keep your book current on changing laws.  The book covers and explains all Florida gun laws, weapon laws, and self defense laws,  (except hunting) as well as federal gun and weapon laws.   It has been given excellent reviews by the NRA, GOA, Florida Sheriff’s Association, Florida Association of State Troopers, The Florida Bar Association, American Firearms Industry, and many others.    If you want the recognized, most authoritative  book on Florida gun laws, Federal gun laws, Florida self defense laws, and Florida weapon laws, that explains all these laws (guns, knives, pepper spray, bows, ASP, NFA, etc.), with practical recommendations,  in an understandable format, and is written primarily for the layman — this is the book that has set the standard for all books of its kind in the nation for almost thirty solid years. 

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website copyright 2023 by jon gutmacher

2023-2024 book

You may purchase the latest 2023-2024 updated GOLD edition by using the “Buy Now” button immediately below this box.  This “Buy Now” button is only for a single autographed copy of the latest Florida Firearms book.   However — if you want a great deal — there is also a special “two fer” deal using a separate link in the next paragraph where you can get the new firearms law book by Mr. Gutmacher — as well as an autographed copy of his western stories book written under his pseudonym for only an extra five bucks (almost the cost of production) and free shipping on that book — both autographed!  A great deal.  It’s a really neat book with 22 archive photos of the old west, and 24 original stories.  Please check it out before you make up your mind, and it also makes a unique and inexpensive CHRISTMAS GIFT!!! 

There is also a NEW FOUR (4) BOOK DEAL at wholesale for smaller dealers,  instructors, and even folks who just want to get them at a great rate for gifts for friends and relatives.  To get that deal – go to the “Four Fer” page on this website.  Unfortunately, the “Four Fer” books are not autographed.    

For the “two fer” deal, with both the firearms and Old West books being autographed,  please use this link to the Old West page:

And once again,  if you just want only the Florida Firearms book without the “two fer” deal use the “Buy Now” button just below this box.  All single books purchased direct from this website are autographed by Mr. Gutmacher.

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Old West Stories cover

Don’t forget — the “two fer” is a GREAT DEAL — and also makes a great CHRISTMAS GIFT!  Please take a look at the page about the book and my special offer to get both the new firearms book, and an autographed copy of the western stories book for only five bucks.  Use the link:

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