A proposed bill to allow open carry on private property in Florida

Florida Statute 790.053 prohibits open carry of firearms and certain other weapons.   Florida Statute 790.25(3) makes certain exceptions to allow both open and concealed carry – but incredibly — even with permission — it is not generally legal to carry on private property, even with the permission of the property owner.   Sure — it’s OK per subsection (3)(n) at your “home or place of business” — but if you’re visiting a friend’s home — or ranch — or farm — or whatever — even if they say “sure” — you can’t open carry.   No way! Now,  we all know this makes absolutely no sense at all.  So, why the heck hasn’t anyone changed the law? My guess is because instead of just trying to get this common sense portion done — we’re shooting for the stars, trying to get universal open carry — which is — a really hard sell at this particular time in the Legislature.  So — let’s try for something that will fly.  And . . .    here it is . . . as simple as anything could ever be:
A bill to be entitled
An act relating to allow open or concealed carry of firearms on private property with permission of the owner; amending s. 790.25, F.S., by adding sub subsection (3)(q).
Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
Section 1. Section 790.25(3) is hereby amended by adding sub subsection (q), to read:
790.25(3)(q): A person on private property where permitted by the owner. As used herein, the term “owner” of private property shall include the beneficial owner, lessee, or other persons having any interest in said land under and by virtue of which that person is entitled to possession thereof, and shall also include the agents or authorized employees of such owner.
Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2019.
Anyway — I just sent this off to Marion Hammer to see if she likes it, and can get a sponsor for it.  If you like it — get in touch with Marion (good luck!).  Tell Florida Carry you’d like them to push it.   And — if you know any legislators — ask them directly (or by fax or mail) if they’d sponsor it.   Who knows????   Maybe we can actually get something simple — that makes sense — that’s pro gun — into Florida law????
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