What to do in a riot?Copyright 2020 by jon gutmacher I’ve been asked a few times what can folks do to protect themselves in a riot, legally? I’ve also been asked about a few different scenarios. So, here’s my take, according to current Florida law: First, Florida Statute 776.08 defines what a “forcible felony” is. …

Florida’s first “red flag” order appellate case: by Jon H. Gutmacher, Esq. Davis v. Gilchrist County Sheriff’s Office, 44 Fla. L. Weekly D2407 (Fla. 1DCA 9/25/2019) is the first reported “red flag” (Risk Protection Order) appellate case in Florida. The case arose when the Sheriff’s Office sought a RPO against one of its own deputies …

September 2019 emails: I’ve decided to include some of the email questions I get during the month into a regular series of monthly posts. These are my opinions based on research: Question: Can a 16 year old carry pepper spray (2 oz. “Self defense chemical spray”) to protect herself when walking the dog? Answer: Sure. …

Got the following email question, and thought you might like to read it, and my response: Question:  In light of the changes to FSS 790.065, made by the Legislature after the Parkland murders,  specifically the addition of sub-paragraph (13) (quoted below), what is your opinion of a non-FFL selling firearm to a person under 21?  …